Anger Management

We all get angry sometimes; it's a natural and healthy emotion, as long as one learns to deal with their anger positively. If you continuously find yourself in fits of rage, react harshly to certain situations/people, and then regret your actions, it's crucial to accept that you may have anger issues. Understanding this is the first step towards developing habits and techniques that let you better manage your anger the next time someone sends your blood pressure rocketing! We've compiled a list of tips to help you become a more calm and composed person: 1. Think before you speak: We all find ourselves in situations where we say something mean or hurtful in the heat of the moment. We usually regret doing this, but it's better to prevent them from happening in the first place. Try to practice thinking more deeply about what you're going to say, it's impact, and why you want to say it. This will help you better navigate conversations and avoid saying things you'd regret later. 2. Express yourself after you've given yourself time to calm down: It's important to express what you feel in an effective and non-confrontational manner. This is usually possible only when you're calm, composed, and have had a second to consider what you're going to say. Not only will this help you control your anger, but it will also often help you get what you want. 3. Getting in physical activity is a great way to use up pent-up energy towards something constructive. Exercising helps reduce stress by releasing dopamines and endorphins in the body, helping you stay composed in stressful situations. 4. It's good to give yourself a timeout during stressful parts of the day. Even a moment of peace can help you prepare yourself for the day's challenges. 5. Practice meditation, breathing, and other relaxation techniques. These are like skills in your arsenal to help you deal with stressful situations and avoid outbursts. 6. Seek help: Anger management comes very quickly to some and can be exceedingly difficult for some. If you feel like you're having trouble controlling your outbursts, seeking professional help might be a good idea. Guidance and counseling can help you avoid situations where you hurt or harm those around you.