People with asthma may find that slowly building up their level of exercise reduces the risk of asthma flare-ups during exercise. Types of exercise that focus on promoting lung capacity and regulating breathing can be especially beneficial.

The following types of exercise may be particularly suitable for people with asthma:

Yoga helps a person focus on their breathing. Controlled, rhythmic breathing during exercise can help increase a person’s lung capacity while building muscle strength for overall fitness. This also helps lower a person’s stress levels which is a trigger for asthma in many people.

Aerobic exercise will be superior to usual care in the treatment of asthma control and other measures of morbidity. People with moderate to severe asthma who add aerobic exercise to their treatment regimen may have an easier time controlling common symptoms than people who rely on drugs alone.

Swimming results in the inhalation of warm, damp air, which is good for people with asthma. It can also help with breath control. It can be a gentle activity, and people can work toward doing more intensive sessions as their fitness and lung capacity improve. Some people may find that swimming in a pool triggers their asthma symptoms due to the chlorine that is in the water. Use caution when new to swimming in pools.

Light-to-moderate exercise also works well, especially when it involves steady movement, which improves endurance levels and avoids overstraining the lungs. Examples include:

Walking being a low-intensity activity, walking is another great choice. This form of exercise is gentle on the body, which makes it easier to breathe

Recreational biking – for those having Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB), try biking at a leisurely pace. This is another gentle activity that doesn’t involve constant exertion.

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