Tips for Ashtang Yoga

Ashtanga is derived from the Sanskrit words "Ashta" and "anga," which mean "eight" and "limbs," respectively. For someone new to yoga, ashtanga yoga can prove to be very challenging. It takes 90 minutes to perform the full practice, which is a lot longer than most yoga practices. Along with this, Ashtanga yoga demands that you practice it six times a week and make specific changes in your dietary requirements. Traditionally, one is expected to perform the activity in the morning, which can be very difficult for a lot of us. But with certain modifications, a newbie can get started on their path towards performing ashtanga yoga as intended. We've outlined five tips to help you on your journey to becoming a master at ashtanga yoga! 1. Don't rush it: When beginning your journey, one must expect to fail. Ashtanga yoga is demanding, both physically and mentally. The traditional routine is 90-minutes long, which can often be very daunting. One must understand these challenges when starting to avoid getting demotivated. One must learn to accept failure and still love themselves. The activity can be very overwhelming at first, but with a little dedication and practice, anyone can master the art of Ashtanga yoga. Joining yoga workshops that help you build the base required for practicing Ashtanga yoga can be a great way to add a little more flavor to your routine. This will help you stay motivated and will ensure that your poses are sound. 2. Start small: One cannot expect to perform the entire primary routine the first time practicing Ashtanga yoga. We recommend starting with sun salutations and then slowly building your way up. This will help you avoid injuries while also keeping you motivated towards your final goal. If any activity in the entire routine seems too difficult, try to make personal modifications to it to avoid getting overworked; one may also reduce the number of times each routine is performed to conserve energy. Think of asana yoga as a building your dream house; to build a beautiful home, you need a strong foundation. 3. Focus on your breathing: All forms of yoga rely heavily on breathing work. Ashtanga yoga is no different. The real magic of yoga happens when one concentrates on the rhythm of their breathing and their body's movement. Concentrate on maintaining breathing while also checking on your form. If some pose seems a little too challenging, please look up youtube tutorials to help guide you through the motion. This can help you learn a lot more about yoga as a whole, giving you more holistic learning. Practicing Ashtanga yoga is not a race; it is a marathon. Concentrate on the small things, one step at a time. 4. Don't overwork yourself: It is crucial for any beginner to push themselves too hard. At the same time, it may seem like a requirement for growth; overworking yourself will cause you to miss the mark completely. It's better to practice four times a week with moderate intensity rather than once or twice a week while making yourself prone to injury. One can slowly build up their stamina and resilience by showing determination and dedication. 5. Never give up: One needs to recognize the fact that they're just starting. Failure to keep up with the challenging requirements of Ashtanga yoga can often make one feel demotivated. It is vital to keep at it, concentrating on your long term goal to master this form of yoga. Every master needs to start as a student. As a beginner, allow yourself to make mistakes and be kind to yourself. The real magic of yoga happens when one learns to love themselves for who they are, building an authentic connection between the body and mind.